
Secrets of the Secret

“Sometimes when we gaze at our canvas of life, our painting may not appear flawless. Yet with each exquisite stroke, a beautiful masterpiece of divine perfection begins to emerge.” Jill M. Jackson
This book is a precious gem and a postscript to the best-selling book The Secret.  As the consciousness and awareness level have risen, it is now time to delve deeper into the subject matter of manifesting, and dialogue about why there are times it simply does not work in the way we had hoped for. In this life changing book, you will discover tools to learn why you are here, what you came here to do, and how best to accomplish your mission. Secrets of The Secret raises the curtain to private scenes from Jill M. Jackson’s personal heartbreak and grief from perceived “manifestation failure”.  She then invites you to ride the waves of understanding and profound explanations she gathered along the way. The book provides an opportunity to expand from division and separation while we fully embrace the Oneness of how we are all connected.
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